Positional and mechanical improvement:
Barbell lifts
Beginner/ Intermediate: Deadlift, Pendlay row, bench press, squat, press, push press
Advanced: Sumo deadlift, push jerk
At skill work weights and with the guidance of a qualified trainer, practice several movements listed above and make improvement in the details of each. Today, add weight (up to 50% of 2RM) to fact-check position and execution. Note: Never make the mental mistake of thinking you’re too advanced for skill work in any realm.
Deadlift/ Pendlay row:
2 x 5 @ 50% of 2RM in each lift
Squat/ Press/ Push press:
2 x 7 @ 50% of 2RM in each lift
Perform lifts in order with rest between sets, and adjust weight immediately if any set requires interruption.