6 rounds of:
2 Goblet squat @ as heavy as possible
4 1-arm kettlebell Thruster @ 50% of Goblet squat
Up to 1 minute rest
Thruster: Switch arms as desired. If squat mechanics or range of motion fail, Thruster becomes push press/ push jerk. Weight does not decrease unless push press also fails.
Then, 12- 10- 8- 6- 4- 2 of:
Lateral slam ball (15lb. W, 20lb. M)
Pull-up/ Chin-up/ Mixed grip
Pull-up: If available, pull-up may utilize different handles by round as desired (rings, ropes, globes, etc.). Today, use strict pull-up, kicking/ kipping pull-up, or jumping pull-up. No butterfly.
And then, Airdyne:
3 minutes forward
1 minute arms-only
3 minutes backward
1 minute arms-only
3 minutes forward
All rounds are performed at a non-lazy pace, and with non-lazy posture.