3 x 7 @ 75% of 2RM
3 x 5 @ (up to) 75%
If sets of 7 are mechanically sound and uninterrupted, stay at designated 75% of 5’s. If position erodes or excessive rest is required, adjust weight and continue. Rest as needed between sets. When scheme is listed as “5 x 7″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight.
Then, 3 rounds of:
7 1-arm kettlebell row (Left)
:20 sec. rest
7 1-arm kettlebell row (Right)
:20 sec. push-up hold (Bottom position- chest and hips off the ground)
1 minute rest
Weight may begin at up to 40% of recent bench press 2RM, and decreases in each round, as position breaks, or if sets require interruption (Ex. 2RM bench press = 260lb. 40% = 106lb. kettlebell).
And then, 5 rounds, timing each:
1 Sled drag (20 yd. @ BW)
10 calories Airdyne
”Drag” = forward, and “Pull” = backward. Rest as needed between sets, and attempt to match output in each; Matching effort should go without saying.
And finally, as quickly as possible:
50 Abmat sit-up @ 10lb. W, 15lb. M (Use bumper plate)
Today, weight is locked out in front throughout each rep- hands at chest level, arms straight. Break only when posture erodes or lock-out fails. Concept: As you sit up, pull your shoulders down. Goal is rock-solid upper body position, forcing the guts to do all the work.