4 x 6 @ 1/2-3/4 BW
Lunge may be weighted with single or double kettlebell, sandbag, dumbbell, or any combination of. Scale weight position to ability (Ex. Waiter vs. Rack position vs. Farmer position).
Then, with a partner and alternating work/ rest, 6 minutes of:
6 Slam ball (20lb. W, 25lb. M)
6 Box Jump (20″ W, 24″ M)
Count rounds and completed half-rounds for score (6 Slam ball + 6 Box jump = 1). Strategize work/ rest rounds as desired.
2 minutes rest, then also with a partner, 6 minutes of:
20 yd. sprint
Lunge back to start
Count rounds and completed half-rounds for score (Sprint + Lunge = 1). Strategize work/ rest rounds as desired.
Score today is total number of sets and half-sets completed by both partners in parts 1 and 2. (Ex. Part 1= 14, Part 2= 8.5, total score is 22.5)