For 12 minutes:
12 Box jump from the bottom* @ 20″ W, 24″ M
6 Bodyweight row
:30 sec. double kettlebell rack hold (W- 35lb. x 2, M- 55lb. x 2 M)
Count rounds and completed partials. If designated height/ weight creates or forces a compromised position, make an immediate adjustment.
Up to 3 minutes rest, then:
10 Turkish Get-up @ 30-40% of 1RM (Left arm)
10 Turkish Get-up @ 30-40% of 1RM (Right arm)
*Instead of quickly loading the hip and jumping from a partial level change, the box jump from the bottom uses a full below-parallel squat to propel each jump. Beginner athletes: perform 12 regular box jump + 6 air squat per round.