physical. 02/18/14

Swing vs. Row
Group. 1-arm kettlebell swing vs. 3/1000 bodyweight row.

1 Tabata interval (20 sec. work/ 10 sec. rest x 8 ) of:

Alligator crawl

Count steps taken in each round, and remain consistent throughout all 8.


Box Jump:

9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Add height in each set (denoted by commas between) in order to meet/ exceed previous 1RM within the allotted reps. Rest as needed between sets. Recommended starting height is 20″ W, 24″ M.

And then, for time:

100 1-arm kettlebell swing (35lb. W, 55lb. M)

Switch arms as needed/ desired based on proficiency with designated weight; If suggested weight creates or forces a compromised position, make an immediate adjustment.