physical. 04/24/14


10 rounds of:

1 Double kettlebell swing clean (W- 35lb. x 2, M- 55lb. x 2)
5 Double kettlebell front squat
15yd. double kettlebell rack walk
Up to 1 minute rest

Safety and position considered, the goal is completion of each round without putting the kettlebells down. Beginner: More rest in-between (:30 sec. +). Intermediate/ Advanced: Less rest in-between (:30 sec. -). Over 1 year: Rounds may be completed as heavy as possible.

Rest as needed, then, 5 minutes of:

50 Jumprope
10 1-arm swing (Left) @ 35lb. W, 55lb. M
50 Jumprope
10 1-arm swing
(Right) @ 35lb W, 55lb. M

Count rounds and completed partials.