“Waking the Dead” 6:55
(Suicidal Tendencies– “Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit… Deja Vu”)
20 Tire smash (10L, 10R- Any variation) @ 6lb. W, 10lb. M
10 Tire/ Box jump (With hammer)
Jump: Be sure to practice jumping with an implement prior to beginning the workout. Often, we re-set a jump by swinging our arms- not being able to do so (due to holding a hammer) can require some adjustment.
Rest as needed, then, 3 rounds of:
3 Turkish Get-up (Left- 50-60% of 1RM)
6 Single kettlebell swing clean + push press @ same (1 + 1 = 1)
3 Turkish Get-up (Right- 50-60% of 1RM)
6 Single kettlebell swing clean + push press @ same (1 + 1 = 1)
Unless position breaks, goal is completion of all 9 reps on one side without putting kettlebell down.
And then, immediately, 1 round of:
6 Sled drag (20yd. each @ 50% BW)
36 360 sit-up (Switch direction each rep)