(Photo: In the training room, time wandering is time wasted. Stay engaged, maintain a focus, make progress. Conversely: Earning strength and conditioning and making progress in your physical skill set should be rewarding; Things can be difficult without being burdensome. Difficulty in a task or on a path often serves to thin the herd, allowing those with the will to succeed a clearer road to doing so. True strength and skill are built on patience, focus, and mettle; If those are not qualities that you value, and strive to bring to your chosen training environment, there is likely a simpler path for which you are better suited.)
Positional and mechanical improvement:
Rotational/ lateral movement drills, lifts, and swings
Beginner/ Intermediate: Karaoke run, medicine ball throw, mace front pendulum and back pendulum, mace shovel, kettlebell Figure-8
Advanced: Mace 360, 10-2, varial, kettlebell slam dunk, piroutette swing
At skill work weights and with the guidance of a qualified trainer, practice several movements listed above and make improvement in the details of each. Start with the basic variations of each and add difficulty as wp-contentropriate. Note: Never make the mental mistake of thinking you’re too advanced for skill work in any realm.
Then, 2 rounds of:
25 Mace shovel (Left side- round 1. Right side- round 2.)
25 Medicine ball throw (Wall- Left side- round 1. Right side- round 2.)
As noted- 25 reps are completed on one side, followed by an immediate transition to the next movement and then a side-switch for round 2. Mace shovel and medicine ball weight are scaled to ability, governed by position and power, and challenging.